Bergamo Goat Cheeses

In the past, goat breeding and goat cheese production were rather limited and occurred mainly in those areas where the land could not be exploited in other ways. Lately this sector has witnessed a strong growth, resulting in the setting up of specialized goat farms in the mountains and in the plains, and of dairies which, in line with the latest EU regulations, are inspired by the oldest traditions. Today, the production of goat cheese is significant, and in the province of Bergamo there are about fifty dairies.

Caprini The “BERGAMO, City of the Thousand... flavours” brand protects four types of goat cheese: classic caprino, white-rind caprino, stracchino and formaggella. The type depends on processing, which may include acid coagulation for classic caprino and white-rind caprino; soft cheese rennet coagulation for stracchino, and hard cheese rennet coagulation for formaggella.

Preparation and storage

The processing varies depending on the type and is also different from dairy to dairy; likewise the duration of maturing.

Fresh caprinis, like classic sour caprino, have a slow coagulation and should be consumed within a few days.


The flavour varies depending on the type and therefore the processing.