Original stones from Bergamo

What is the trademark?


The Bergamo Chamber of commerce, with the scientific support of CNR-IDPA, has established the trademark of local stones, which guarantees the geographical origin of ornamental stones extracted in the province of Bergamo. This is a tool for promoting the awareness in local materials, which are not only an economic resource, but above all a rich legacy of traditions and culture inseparable from local history. Even at the local level, the excellent technical and aesthetic characteristics of Orobic materials are largely unknown, and stones from different origins and of limited or unknown tradition are sometimes preferred.

The trademark is designed to provide reference to experts and the wider public, regarding the origin of the materials, as well their technical and commercial varieties. Each stone marketed under the brand name meets the standards set by the production charter. This is a document comprising six articles that provide both geological information highlighting the uniqueness of the material from a genetic and environmental point of view, and technical information showing the properties and applicability of the material in different building contexts.

The charters touches the following points:

  • geological formation;
  • extraction basins and distribution of outcrops within the province of Bergamo;
  • chemical and mineralogical composition;
  • petrographic characteristics;
  • mechanical properties (values obtained from mechanical tests performed according to the relevant standard);
  • varieties and sizes available on the market.