Webinar “Important Preparation for Important Events"

Data evento:

da Lun, 19 Dicembre, 2022 - 09:00

a Lun, 19 Dicembre, 2022 - 12:00

Luogo evento:


Tipo evento:


Prossimi eventi:

Lun 22 Lug, 2024

(Sala del Consiglio del Palazzo dei Contratti e delle Manifestazioni, Bergamo)
19 Dicembre 2022

Webinar gratuito in lingua inglese. Obiettivo del webinar è di fornire le indicazioni per una corretta scelta e organizzazione della partecipazione alle fiere internazionali.

In collaboration with Unioncamere Lombardia, Bergamo Chamber of Commerce organizes this webinar to present the tools to run successfully the participation at an International Fair.


Giving useful information to choose the most appropriate fairs. Improving organization and results in terms of international marketing. Making the most of communication activities and embedding them in the marketing plan.


09:00 A.M. - Greetings and introduction
- Raffaella Castagnini, Bergamo Chamber of Commerce.

09.10 A.M. - How to participate successfully at an International Fair (before-during-after)
Rita Bonucchi, Lombardy Point Expert.

International trade fairs: before

  • The role of fairs in the business activity of the company
  • Fairs and events selection
  • Sources of information
  • How to manage a fair plan: from softwares to cost control

International fairs: during

  • Trade fairs as research tools
  • Trade fairs as communication tools
  • Trade fairs as tools to source international partners
  • Trade fairs as sales support tools
  • The coordination with other marketing activities
  • Tips on trade fairs’ communication

International fairs: after

  • Assessing the results
  • Communication activities: from online catalogues to media relations
  • How to use the information collected and integrate them in the marketing strategy
  • Reviewing the international marketing strategy

12:15 A.M. - Notes on how Covid affected physical, digital, and phygital fairs.

How to attend the Webinar

You must first profile yourself (register) on Lombardia Point platform and then register at the event/webinar. A few days before the event/webinar you will receive in your email box the link to Google Meet.

For more information: email lombardiapoint.bergamo@bg.camcom.it